Raleigh Skyline

I had a very nice trip to Raleigh, NC a few weeks ago. I got a few shots in and figured I would share my favorite with all that is interested!

Raleigh Skyline

Today’s Photo(s) of The Day are a few of my favorite shots from some shoots I had over the weekend. It was a perfect weekend to shoot with bright sun, shade, and overcast. I hope all the other photographers out there got some great shots! And I hope everyone enjoyed a nice weekend (in New England at least) 🙂

Tree Decor

Today’s Photo of The Day is brought to you from my lake house in New Hampshire. While walking through the sites I saw this wooden face attached to a tree and had to get a shot of it… Both awesome and creepy at the same time but definitely post worthy.

Atlantic Ave


Today’s Photo(s) of the Day are from a portrait shoot I did in Boston. Before getting to the spot where I was shooting I managed to get a cool shot from the top of the garage I parked in.

I am always looking to photograph different things… Even when I am somewhere for a specific reason.

Always use your imagination!

All Is Not Lost

I’m going to start off by saying that I name every photo that I post or add to my portfolio (scenery wise). Usually after a song, lyric, quote, etc…

Today’s Photo of the day is called “Camera Crush”. Not so much a song or lyric, but an actual event.

While vacationing up in Maine, I was on a ride with my girlfriend when I saw a spot that I thought I would like to shoot. She pulled over and I hopped out with my camera bag and started to set up. The angle that I wanted to get was down in a little valley so I ran down to set up the shot. After a few clicks I heard the car start to move, some crushing and dragging sound, and last but not least “oh my god, your going to kill me” come from her mouth. When I ran to the top of the hill I saw my camera bag demolished and all of my lenses rolling down the street.

It turns out she didn’t see me take my bag out of the car and decided to meet me down the hill…with my bag…attached to her fender…

One lens and some accessories were done for, but at the end of the day they are only items and I am happy with how the shot came out.

Hope you like it 🙂

Sunday Sessions

Today’s Photo of the day is a picture perfect still of a beautiful little girl having fun.

I had the pleasure of photographing her and her two brothers during a family shoot this past Sunday.

Although photographing kids is difficult sometimes, you get the best candid shots. Unless your posing them, they are happy because they are free to have fun and do what they want.


Boston Nightlife

I have decided to switch up my typical posts tonight and post a different type of photography I am also into.. Nightlife photography has been something I have been doing for roughly a year now and has been a huge learning experience for me. I learned a lot about traditional portrait photography through shooting inside venues with different strobes and lighting. Learning to use my flash and work with the shutter speed and exposure has made all of my photography better. My point here is to never hold your self to one style or one area of photography. Explore them all… you will learn much more than you intended to.

Here is a photo of a friend Dj’ing an event.

Enjoy today’s Photo of The Day!

Say Hello To Penny

Say hello to Penny 🙂

Penny is one of three ducks that love to come visit me on the patio outside the house. After visiting a few times I decided to name them… Penny (one blue spot on her back), Jude (reminds me of an older more mature ducky 😉 ), and Lucy ( the smallest of the three and most shy). Yes they are all named after Beatles songs.

Anyway, I loved this shot of Penny, so I decided to make it today’s Photo of The Day.

Sky Lantern

As you may know I spent the past weekend up north for my birthday. Every year, the lake we stay at has its own firework ceremony and this has been the second year we have been able to set sky lanterns free.
Sky lanterns are used or known for different things but we like to set them free for people we have lost, people we are praying for, or just to make a simple wish.

I thought this whole night of fireworks and sky lanterns would be a great time to bring the camera and try to capture some nice stills. It was difficult to catch all of the lanterns with everyone setting them off at different times but I got a few decent shots.

I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to use color or black and white for the Photo of The Day, so I am posting a side by side of the two.

“No love, no matter how strong, pure, or honest can ever be replaced. I will be forever grateful.”

Old Country View

This is an old country view from a small town in New Hampshire. I have driven past this sight for nearly 20 years and never got the shot that I wanted. The sunsets over the weekend were perfect so I decided to give it a chance and I am really happy with the result.

Hope you all enjoy the Photo of The Day!!